Gabon president dies in Spanish hospital at 73

Albertine Amissa Bongo is the half-sister of Pascaline Bongo Ondimba. Relatives. Relation: Name: Birth: Father: Omar Bongo: Dec 30 1935: Mother: Patience Dabany: Jan 22 1944: Sister: Pascaline Bongo Ondimba: Apr 10 1956: Brother: Ali Bongo Ondimba: Feb 9 1959: Spotted an error? Suggest an alternative. Cite this record.

2. Portrait d'Omar Bongo Ondimba (6/18) Archives d'Afrique

The wife of Gabonese President Omar Bongo, who was a symbol of the tight links between two veteran central African leaders, died on Saturday in Morocco, the Presidency said.

The Bongo dynasty Leading Gabon for over five decades Africanews

In 1973, he embraced Islam and adopted the name El Hadj Omar Bongo.. They had two children, Alain Bernard Bongo (later known as Ali-Ben Bongo) and Albertine Amissa Bongo. Alain Bernard Bongo.

Album souvenir du Président Omar BONGO ONDIMBA by DINGAMNODJI NADJI Issuu

Omar Bongo Ondimba (born Albert-Bernard Bongo; 30 December 1935. They had a son, Alain Bernard Bongo, and a daughter, Albertine Amissa Bongo. Born at Brazzaville in 1959, Alain Bernard Bongo (later known as Ali-Ben Bongo) served as foreign minister from 1989 to 1992, then as defence minister from 1999 to 2009, and was then elected president.

Omar Bongo 10 ans après Sylvia Bongo se souvient toujours

Découvrez gratuitement l'arbre généalogique de Amissa BONGO pour tout savoir sur ses origines et son histoire familiale. Geneanet. Ma généalogie. (Albertine Amissa BONGO) Parents. Omar BONGO; Marie-Joséphine KAMA Fratrie. Ali BONGO; Annick BONGO; Amissa BONGO Demi-frères et demi-sœurs. Du côté de Omar BONGO:


Omar Bongo Ondimba,. Ali Bongo (1959-) et Albertine Amissa Bongo (1961-1993), qui a donné son nom à une course cycliste internationale. Ali Bongo, a été ministre de la Défense du Gabon de 1999 à 2009 et a succédé à son père à la présidence de la République en 2009..

Disco, blingbling et répression qui est Ali Bongo, le président réélu au Gabon

African presidents who died in office: Gaddafi, Bongo et. al. Omar Bongo Ondimba came to power in 1967 taking over from the country's first president Leon M'ba.At the time of his demise on.

Patience Dabany non sarà mai la «donna del tiranno» il manifesto

An infuriated Bongo became wary of his half-brother, whom he suspected was trying to undermine his position. Since then, ODJB has been to Gabon far less often. He was close to his uncle Fidèle Andjoua, who died in April 2021, and still goes to pay his respects at his half-sister Albertine Amissa Bongo's grave in Bongoville.


Courtesy Netherlands National Archives (926-4081), Public domain. Omar Bongo was President of Gabon from 1967 until his death in 2009, over 42 years, and thus ruled longer than any other African leader. Bongo was born in the Beteke region of Gabon on December 10, 1935. He was the youngest of twelve children and was a member of the Bateke people.

Patience Dabany Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

Omar Bongo (father) Louise Mouyabi Moukala (mother) Relatives. Ali Bongo Ondimba (half-brother) Pascaline Mferri Bongo Ondimba (born 10 April 1956 [1]) is a Gabonese politician. Under her father, President Omar Bongo, she was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1992 to 1994 and Director of the Cabinet of the President from 1994 to 2009.

Famille Bongo bagarre à Paris entre l’oncle Omar Denis et les nièces Ondzounga Gabonreview

1964 - 1993. View all 12 similar people. Surname meaning for Bongo. Italian: possibly a derivative of Bongi a shortened form of Bongianni a compound name formed with bono 'good' + the personal name Gianni. African (mainly Congo and Angola): unexplained. . . . View more facts for Bongo.

Mme Malika Bongo reçoit la Médaille d'Or de CRANS MONTANA YouTube

1 Sep 2023. The overthrow of President Ali Bongo Ondimba in Gabon this week seemed to mark a spectacular end to the nearly 56-year dynastic rule of the Bongo family. What began in 1967 with his.

Ali Bongo's daughter wants to succeed her father in 2022 Africanews

(Albertine Amissa BONGO) Born in 1961; Deceased in 1993,aged 32 years old Parents. Omar BONGO 1935-2009; Marie-Joséphine KAMA 1941 Siblings. Ali BONGO 1959; Annick BONGO 1959; Amissa BONGO 1961-1993 Half-siblings. On the side of Omar BONGO 1935-2009: with Louise Mouyabi MOUKALA. Pascaline BONGO 1956;

Omar D. Jr Bongo, ce fils, frère, et petitfils de Président qui fait trembler le Palais du bord

Seventy years ago, ODOT spent the equivalent of more than $80 million in today's dollars to cut the Albina neighborhood off from the Willamette River. ODOT's highways destroyed housing and isolated Albina, lead to a two-thirds reduction in population between 1950 and 1970. Demolishing neighborhoods for state highways is ODOT's raison d.

Omar Bongo, 50 ans d'amitié francogabonaise

Biography. Édith Lucie Bongo Ondimba was born March 10, 1964. Her father was Denis Sassou Nguesso, who later served as the President of the Republic of the Congo (1979-1992 and 1997 to date). Her marriage to President Bongo on August 4, 1989, was viewed politically as an example of cooperation between the two countries, according to Reuters.

Omar Bongo España EL PAÍS

Omar Bongo 1935-2009 r. 1967-2009: Patience Dabany 1941-present: Sylvia Bongo Ondimba 1963-present: Ali Bongo Ondimba 1959-present r. 2009-2023: Albertine Amissa Bongo 1964-1993: Noureddin Bongo Valentin: Jalil Bongo Valentin: Bilal Bongo Valentin: Other Members. Pascaline Bongo Ondimba is a daughter of Omar Bongo.
