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Maps. Here you can find maps for public transport services across Melbourne and Victoria. High-contrast versions of many of our maps may be suitable for people with a vision impairment. For interactive maps of stations, stops, addresses, route numbers or line names, visit the Home page. View nearby stations and stops by searching for an address.

What Is Bathroom Zone 1 And 2

Zone 2 Zone 1 comprises the inner suburbs that are usually within a 10km radius from Central Business District (CBD), while Zone 2 is made up of suburbs that are further away. If you're in Zone 2, your travel fare per hour is $3.00 with a daily cap of $6.00. For Zone 1 the travel fare is $4.50 with a daily cap of $9.00.

Melbourne Zone Map Tram

Metropolitan Melbourne is divided into two zones. Zone 1 includes all inner city suburbs and Zone 2 covers the suburbs further out. Travel across Zone 1 and 2 is included in the cost of your fare. Train travel completed before 7.15am on a weekday is free.

Your Guide on Public Transport in Melbourne Meld Magazine

2 hour Zone 1+2: $5.30: Concession: 2 hour Zone 1+2: $2.65: Tram: Full fare: 2 hour Zone 1+2: $5.30: Concession: 2 hour Zone 1+2: $2.65: Bus: Full fare: 2 hour myki money fare between where a customer boards and the zone at the end of the service. All zones between and including the zone where the customer touches on and the zone at the end of.

Melbourne and Region City and Suburbs Road Map Hema

This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert GMT to Melbourne, Australia time and vice-versa. Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and glance at the hours selected by the column. and done! GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. Melbourne, Australia time is 10 hours ahead of GMT. So, when it is it will be.

Melbourne Public Transport & Myki Card Guide

Current local time in Australia - Victoria - Melbourne. Get Melbourne's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Melbourne's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.

GETTING AROUND MELBOURNE How to Use Myki Card + Tram, Train, Bus The Poor Traveler Itinerary Blog

Myki is a multi-modal fare and ticketing system based on zones. Metropolitan Melbourne is divided into two zones (Zones 1 and 2). Outside of metropolitan Melbourne there are a further eleven zones (Zones 3-13). There are areas of overlap between some zones (notably Zones 1 and 2), where locations exist within both zones.

Sea Level Rise Projection Map Melbourne

Here are links to examples of zone definitions including use of the land, and an introduction to the purposes of the zone in each planning scheme*: Commercial 1 Zone. To create vibrant mixed use commercial centres for retail, office, business, entertainment and community uses. To provide for residential uses at densities complementary to the.

Commercial 3 Victoria’s new zone for mixed use and creative industries

In theory you'll only be charged a Zone 2 fare, however you must touch on and touch off (which most people forget to do on trams). Also, in practice the trams sometimes get confused about exactly where they are, and will charge you a Zone 1 fare, even if you do touch off correctly. This normally only happens right at the zone boundaries though. 4.

melbourne tram map Melbourne tram, Melbourne tourism, Train map

Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat, Bendigo, Bellarine Peninsula, Churchill, Eildon, Geelong, Kilmore, Mornington Peninsula, Seymour, Wallan and Warragul. Find out more about regional bus tickets at Regional bus tickets. To find out which zone your town network is in, see the list below. Regional zones determine the myki fares for regional trains and buses.

How The Tube Map Got Its Travelcard Zones YouTube

Melbourne is a large city, so for ticketing purposes, it has been divided into two 'zones'. Zone 1 includes the CBD and the inner suburbs, while Zone 2 encompasses the outer suburbs. Ticketing. Metropolitan zones determine the myki fares for metropolitan trains, trams and buses. Metropolitan zones include: Free Tram Zone (applies to trams.

Map of Melbourne transport transport zones and public transport of Melbourne

Zone 1 is when you are on the tram, and you no longer pay attention to the constant reminders of which stop you are at. Zone 2 is when you are so out of it, you miss your stop and have to wait for the tram to turn around. purplemo. • 5 yr. ago. I literally googled zone 1 and 2 map Melbourne and it came up.

Melbourne Cricket Ground Australia Cricket Tripper

The Free Tram Zone is part of Zone 1. Zone 1 covers the city center and some suburbs in the outskirts of the city. Zone 2 covers the suburbs farther away from the city center including Werribee and Frankston. Melbourne zone map below illustrates this better. Stations along yellow lines are within Zone 1, while those in blue are within Zone 2.

Victoria, Melbourne Metro Area Primary School Zones Australian Public School Information

WesternPort. Adult express trains Myki fares zone 1 zone 2 zone1&2 3 trams per hour Mon-Fri evenings (20 mins apart) St Kilda Beach Fare Zone 1+2 overlap 5,3 Two hours travel $3.50 $2.42 $5.92 2 trams per hour Saturday evening (30 mins apart) (Acland Street) 4,3 Brighton Beach 64 Moorabbin.

Melbourne Map Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

Current Melbourne metropolitan fares are shown in the following table. Because travel across Zones 1 and 2 costs the same as a Zone 1 fare, Zone-1-only passes are not available. Passengers need to purchase a Zone 1 + 2 pass, which costs no extra. Regional fares differ from this. For full details of fares see the relevant page of the PTV web site.

GETTING AROUND MELBOURNE How to Use Myki Card + Tram, Train, Bus The Poor Traveler Itinerary Blog

This is the maximum you can spend per day as long as you're traveling within Melbourne City (Zone 1) and suburbs (Zone 2). Meaning, if you use the card once, you're gonna get charged A$4.40 for the first 2 hours. If you use it again after 2 hours, you'll be charged A$8.80, valid for another 2 hours..
