APS Vision, Values & Character APS

Directions) provide more detailed requirements as to how the APS Values should be understood and achieved. 3.3. APS Employment Principles . All NOPSEMA employees are required by section 13(11) of the PS Act to uphold the APS Employment Principles as set out in subsection 10A of the PS Act. The APS is a career based public service that:
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11. An APS employee must at all times behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and the integrity and good reputation of the APS. 12. An APS employee on duty overseas must at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of Australia. 13. An APS employee must comply with any other conduct requirement that is
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a. the APS Values and APS Employment Principles; and b. the integrity and good reputation of the employee's Agency and the APS. 12. An APS employee must while on duty overseas, at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of Australia. 13. An APS employee must comply with any other conduct requirement that is prescribed by the
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Values, Employment Principles and Code of Conduct. The Australian Public Service values and Employment Principles shape the organisational culture of the APS. All APS employees must uphold the APS Values and Employment Principles and act in line with the APS Code of Conduct.
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The APS Code of Conduct requires APS employees at all times to behave in a way that upholds the APS Values, the APS Employment Principles and the integrity and good reputation of the agency and the APS. All employees of the Museum must comply with the APS Code of Conduct, the APS Values, the APS Employment Principles, all applicable laws and any other requirements prescribed by the Public.
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(a) the APS Values and APS Employment Principles; and (b) the integrity and good reputation of the employee's Agency and the APS. (12) An APS employee on duty overseas must at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of Australia.
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to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or an advantage for the employee or any other person; or. to cause, or seek to cause, detriment to the employee's Agency, the Commonwealth or any other person. An APS employee must at all times behave in a way that upholds: the APS Values and APS Employment Principles; and.
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6.1.2 Section 13(11) of the APS Code of Conduct (the Code) in the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act) requires APS employees to behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and Employment Principles in sections 10 and 10A of the PS Act, and the integrity and good reputation of the employee's agency and the APS at all times.
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Our Values (print version)

The APS Code of Conduct. The principles of good public administration, embodied in the APS Values and Employment Principles, lie at the heart of the democratic process and the confidence the public has in the way public servants exercise authority when meeting government objectives. Good public administration is a protection not only against.
APS Values Australian Public Service Commission

3.2.2 APS employees should review the APS Values and Employment Principles regularly and must ensure their conduct is consistent with the APS Values and Employment Principles. Failure to uphold the APS Values and Employment Principles may be regarded as a breach of the APS Code of Conduct and attract sanctions as set out in section 15(1) of the.
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Directions) provide more detailed requirements as to how the APS Values should be understood and achieved. 3.3. APS Employment Principles All NOPSEMA employees are required by section 13(11) of the PS Act to uphold the APS Employment Principles as set out in subsection 10A of the PS Act. The APS is a career based public service that:
PPT Australian Public Service Information Session PowerPoint Presentation ID1980177

The principles of good public administration are embodied in the APS Values. The APS Values are outlined in s10 of the Public Service Act 1999 with further information on their application in Part 2 of the Australian Public Service Commissioner's Directions 2022. Craft and User Level. This aligns with the Integrity at the Foundation Level.
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Chapter 3: Values and Codes of Conduct. 3.1 Public Service Act 1999 and Public Service Regulations 1999; 3.2 APS Values and Employment Principles; 3.3 APS Code of Conduct; 3.4 LES Code of Conduct; 3.5 DFAT Code of Conduct for Overseas Service; 3.6 Other Australian Government Codes of Conduct; Chapter 4: Conduct, Ethics and Fraud Training
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5 See the APS Values in s 10, the APS Employment Principles in s 10A, the APS Code of Conduct (the Code) in s 13 and provisions in s 15 about how to deal with possible breaches of the Code. 6 See the Australian Public Service Commissioner's Directions 2016, Pt 2. 7 See the Australian Public Service Commissioner's Directions 2016, Pt 5.
Integrity Australian Public Service Commission

These jurisdictions supplement their values with sets of principles or standards that derive from their values but which apply more specifically to aspects of public sector administration and employment.. Merit as the basis for employment decisions is one of the APS Values, yet employee faith in the application of merit is relatively low and.
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